Friday, February 17, 2012


For this blog we have to write about what we are afraid of. There are many things you could be afraid of. You could be afraid of spiders, jello, and sports, but that isn’t my fear. Some people have phobias which can be more severe than others. Yes I do have fear of heights, but the thing that scares me the most is failure. Failure means an act of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success. Failure to make it in this world, failure to not have a family of my own, and failure to not have my own family support me would scare me. That is what scares me the most by far. If you think about it if you don’t succeed for these concepts then there is no possible way you can make it in this world. It would be scary to not have a family of your own. Who would you lean on if you needed help financially? What would you do if you did something bad and you needed someone to lean on? It would be scary if you don’t have a family that supported you. If you got kicked out of your girlfriend’s house, whose house would you stay at? If you needed money who else would ask? It would be scary if you didn’t make it in this world point blank. Imagine if you didn’t have a job or a career or even a high school degree, what would you do with your life? You wouldn’t be able to do anything. You would have no future or nothing. I know as a person there could be a lot of things you could be afraid of, but I know failure would definitely be at the top of my fears, because there is no point of you being in this world if you fail.

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