Thursday, October 13, 2011

Best School Lunch

After going to school for 12 years at Alden I think my favorite lunch is defiantly tacos. When people think tacos at Alden, people race to be the first one in line, because they are that good! You could either get hard shell tacos, soft shell tacos, or taco salad. When you pick one of the three choices, you have an option to get cheese or sour cream.  In my opinion I would get a taco salad, because they put more meat on your trey. I would throw some hot sauce on it and have lettuce, tomato, jalapenos, cheese, and sour cream on it. Make sure you get a churro with it too because it tops it off after you eat your salad. If you put a lot of hot sauce on you taco salad make sure you get two milks, because it helps cool down your mouth after having that hot burrito in your mouth. My second favorite lunch is chicken patties. When you get a chicken patty you ask for the hot kind. After you get your patty, you put mayo on your bun, and then you put a lot of hot sauce on it, also lettuce and tomato. Usually, I go to the back to get water and an ice cream after I get done eating the chicken patty. My third favorite lunch is just a normal piece of pizza. You put hot sauce and blue cheese or ranch on the side, especially if you have fries on the side. The fries really hit the spot. Make sure you get intense milk too. The cookies and cream one is the best. Don’t forget to get an ice cream too for dessert. Overall the school lunches here at Alden are very good and the people who serve your food here are respectful too.

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