Thursday, October 27, 2011


This is a choice blog. I get to choose any topic I want to talk about. This topic is about mine and my dad’s memories. My dad and I have been close all my life. Ever since I remember him he was always there for me.  We would always watch sports together, play games, and joke around.  My dad is loving and caring compassionate guy who always looks out for his family first before anyone. My dad would always take me to Bills games. Yeah there would be a few fights at the games, but he would try to break them up. He is a peace maker in my opinion. My dad is a big believer in god. I try to go to church with him every Wednesday to prey with him. When I was really little my dad and I would grab a football and throw it around in my living room. My mom would come out being mad that we were throwing balls around the house, but my dad wouldn’t care. He would tell me to run a route in the living room and he would throw it to me and I would catch it on the couch. My other game I would play with my dad is where we would shoot this ball in this basket. Whoever did it the most times would get a piece of candy. He would let me win, but that’s what most dads would do. Sometimes my dad and I fight and I hate it. When my dad was younger he lost his dad when he was 18. If I ever lost my dad now I wouldn’t know what to do. If I had any questions about girls, drama, or a math problem, who would I go to? Yeah I know I have my mom, but she will be busy trying to support me, my brother, and my sister. My dad makes my world go round. If he isn’t there in my life my world will go downhill. My point is to love your dad no matter what, especially if he has been there all your life, because you never know when they can be gone.

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