Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bullying 101

After just reading the article “Jamey Rodemeyer Suicide: Police Consider Criminal Bullying Charges”, bullying has become a major issue for me. It needs to stop. Bullying is just like harassing someone.  It is like torcher to some people. It’s not Jamey’s fault that he turned out to be different. Everyone has unique characteristics about themselves, but it doesn’t mean that you should treat someone like crap. They defiantly should make bullying a law, because it is not right for someone to go through pain every day, because they are different.  It is harassment in a way, because you are constantly picking on them. There is nothing wrong if other people have a different orientation. Everyone has their opinion on things like this, but I don’t care if there is something different about someone. No matter what if they are black, white, Mexican, or even have different orientation, they should be treated as a human, because they are humans as well. I wonder if the people that bullied Jamey had any sympathy after he killed himself. They probably didn’t have any. People who bully have no heart or soul whatsoever. I hope that the kids who bullied get a severe punishment. I know some people that bully didn’t really have a great family life, but there is still no excuse. You should treat people the way they would want to be treated. I’m very glad that celebrities are realizing how bad bullying is like Lady Gaga. I think Jamey and Lady Gaga are very unique. They both are very different and have the same views about bullying. I hope celebrities like Lady Gaga will make a push to the white house to make bullying a law for the whole United States. Overall I think Jamey death will defiantly leave a mark on society and hopefully that mark will be turned into a law.

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